October 19, 2010

Tennessee Trip (Part 1)

We just got home from 6 days in Tennessee vising James' parents. They have a farm about an hour from Chattanooga, in a valley town called Pikeville. Beautiful just doesn't explain how breathtaking the valley is. The town is VERY small, and such refreshing change. There isn't much to do, but good ole fashion fun.
Aidan threw rocks in the creek...

...and peed in the creek.....and the pond, and in the hay, and off the deck....
We took walks....
and the twinks played with the dogs...all four of them!

We went out to eat (and learned we won't be doing that again as a family until 2020)...
and we tried to get a good family picture.
Aidan rode the tracker...
and we enjoyed this scenery.
We had special time with Aidan while the twins didn't nap...

...and enjoyed this view while sitting on the deck.
 I caught my first fish...

...and so did Aidan!

We fell in the mud...
...and pulled the wagon.

Enjoyed beautiful sunsets...
...and took naps to fresh mountain air.
To be continued....

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