September 2, 2008

Brad Paisley, Pool Fun, and the Chick Fila Cow!

Aidan went to his second Brad Paisley concert this year! We took him last year with Grammy and Papa when he was only 5 months old, and he was so good, and slept the whole time, we decided to take him again. Corey, Haley, Haley's friend Elizabeth, and Timmy went with us too! We had a wonderful time tail gating before the concert. We took the new and improved "Maaco Surbaban" and had front row parking, perfect was to advertise. Mom loaded us up with subs, chips, brownies, and drinks for tail gating. I even brought the pack n play and set it up in the parking lot for Aidan!

The girls. Haley has 2 phones in her hand, I am sure she is texting like always. :)

Getting ready to go into the concert!!

Waiting for Julianne Hough to start. Chuck Wicks and Jewel also opened before Brad Paisley.

The Bubac kids sitting in our lawn seats.

The whole group.

Corey and Timmy right before Brad Paisley started.

Rocking my baby to sleep. He is watching Jewel.

Out before Brad Paisley even started! And he didn't wake up once!!
Now that we are in the house, we can finally use the grill we bought a year ago. Our grill has been sitting in the box in our storage until for a year because we were not allowed to have one at the apartment! James Uncle Greg and Aunt Laura gave us a gift card to buy a grill for a wedding present. We patiently saved it for a year, until last fall when they clearanced all the grills. What can I say, I am a bargain shopper. We were able to get an awesome grill 1/2 off!!

The man of the house...with his grill!

Enjoying a family Sunday at the pool!! Aidan is turning into quite the water baby. He was 15 months in these pictures and still not walking. I took him to the pool as much as I could because it was great practice. He would actually walk around in the baby pool!

Baby steps....

My heart breaker lovin on Brooke. He is very affectionate.

We went to a concert series this summer at an outdoor shopping center called North Hills. Every Thursday this summer they had free concerts outside where people could bring their camping chairs and enjoy the music. My mom's group got together for the last couple, and we set up an area for the babies to run around (crawl in Aidan's case), play, and dance. It was a great, free family activity! Our whole family went to the last one together.

Here Aidan is meeting the Chick Fila cow with Aunt Haley....

Starting to warm up to him....

Never mind! Look at his face. :) Poor boy.

Aidan and Peyton taking a bath together in Aidan's bath tub the first night we all grilled at our new house! Finally we can have our friends over to our place!!

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